


Runabouts are monoplane style hulls which ride on the water’s surface, requiring body English and technique to drive. Boats are driven in a kneeling position.

A runabout is a unique high-performance design, born from the days when outboard pleasure boats were used for competitive racing on the weekends. The hulls are 9.5-13 feet long, and have a single flat planning surface (monoplane) in the back area of the boat’s bottom. The hulls normally have very pointed noses.

Chines (angled surfaces between the bottom and the sides, either round or flat,) sides, front deck, and transom make up the rest of the hull.

The hull turns left by “rolling up” on it’s left chine or by turning flat like a hydroplane by using a pod fin mounted on the left chine.

Speeds depend on the motor used, weight, and size of the hull. The hulls are very stable and allow for very close competitive racing.